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The mission of Christ Church is to offer hospitality, healing and hope in the name of Jesus Christ.

 Christ Church is located in Corning, NY, at the southern tip of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. The Greater Corning Area, with a population of some 24,000, serves as a southern gateway to New York’s wine-growing Finger Lakes region. We have approximately 140 families in our congregation, which attracts parishioners from a 20-mile radius. Christ Church parish, founded in 1841, has a long history with deep traditions. Visitors often remark about the beauty of our church, which is enhanced by its resplendent stained glass windows, intricate mosaic reredos and a magnificent Casavant organ.

 We are a congregation that is called to action and contemplation by the words of our Scriptures and the events of the world in which we live. We are a family gathered around Christ’s Table, and like any family, we have our similarities and our differences, but we are of One Body. The way we interact with each other and our community, and every program we undertake is grounded in this mission. Our mission and our work are in keeping with the tenets of the larger Episcopal Church, which strives to live by the message of Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. We envision Christ Episcopal Church as a spiritual center of the Southern Tier where people of all ages and all faiths or of no faith are welcomed to gather for theological discussion and exploration in pursuit of the full humanity that is embedded in each of us.