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Christ Church Pittsford

(CCP) is a village church in the pioneer architectural tradition. Known for traditional worship, inspiring music, enlightened theology, and strong youth/adult education programs, CCP was one of the region’s first Episcopal churches. Our current building has been well maintained and renovated as needed to support our parish ministries.

Our congregation (approximately 1000 people) is a vibrant, thriving multigenerational community that seeks to follow and serve Christ in all persons.  The center of our life is worship, which is dignified, but not stuffy. Our Sunday coffee hours are lively and well attended due in no small part to the delicious food served!

Grounded in worship, we highly value our excellent music program and well-respected choir, which are led by Eastman School of Music-educated musicians. We also engage a variety of parishioners in liturgy and through our altar guild.

Education is important to us too. Regularly scheduled adult forums have been led for the past decade by a beloved professor from a nearby Divinity School who relocated this spring. In addition to developing a new adult curriculum for the 2023-24 church year, we offer book clubs and women’s retreats.

We have an active children’s and youth program with Sunday School for grades Pre-K through 12 and workshops during school breaks and holiday weekends. We offer Vacation Bible School each summer, and service projects throughout the year including Missionpalooza, a week-long summer community program.

Our vestry recently conducted a series of listening sessions to better understand the needs and interests of the parish. Based on what we learned through this process, we are implementing a comprehensive plan designed to promote growth through congregational engagement, community service and outreach.  

We anticipate the arrival of our Interim Rector in July and will be searching for a new Rector in the year ahead.