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Good Shepherd- Savona

Good Shepherd is a stone church building on the corner in the village of Savona, NY. Located in the southern tier of New York state, Steuben County, and the Southeast District of the Diocese of Rochester, Savona is nestled between Keuka Lake and Seneca Lake, and our neighbors include Amish and Mennonite communities.

While we are a small church, we are also dedicated and faithful. Everyone has a role in the church and puts their gifts and skill to good use, so that we accomplish everything that needs to happen in our life together.

We are an inclusive church which welcomes all who visit for any reason. We are friendly, inviting and happy for anyone to join us in worship, come in and see our building, or make use of our monthly food pantry.

Our food pantry is open from 4 to 6 pm on the first Thursday of every month, and we typically provide food for 20 to 25 families each month. The Methodist church in nearby Campbell contributes, mostly by providing food and goods, we cooperate with a food pantry in Kanona, and we partner with the Food bank of the Southern Tier. Our volunteers come from churches and from other community members, and the food pantry is open to residents within the Campbell-Savona School District. A community has grown up around the food pantry, including both volunteers and those who the food pantry serves. We are pleased to invite people into the food pantry to grab a cart and choose what to take, while providing some basic guidelines for portioning based on household size.

Our new rector, the Rev. Shanna Hawks, began in June of 2023, and her ministry is shared with Christ Church in Hornell.