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St. John’s Episcopal Church Clifton Springs

We may be small, but we are mighty. Mighty in our mission to hungry and lonely neighbors through our monthly free Agape dinners, drawing people together from throughout the area for hospitality, conversation, and delicious food.  Mighty in our mission to bring quality men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories to those with limited resources through Second Seasons, our Consignment Shop, now entering its fifty-first year of continuous operation in Downtown Clifton Springs.  Mighty in our keeping neighbors and strangers alike warm all winter long through our Winter Coat Closet; and if one of our gently used coats don’t fit you, we will order one. Mighty in our Worship of God through beautiful and inspiring music, prayers, sermons, and environment. Our red doors are open to all with the prayer that our outreach, service, and worship will be a blessing to all.  Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Clifton Springs. Mighty proud to be the face and hands of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement in Northeastern Ontario County.
