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St. John's of Catharine

Founded in 1810, St. John's of Catharine remains focused on the love. The theme for the year is "We Gather Together" as the church is in transition. As the old hymn goes, "We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing."

We are blessed to have Father Troy Preston from the Southeast District represent and help where needed. Rev. Linda Leibhart is a wonderful consistent supply priest.  

Outreach to the community is amazing. The Barnie Parker Sharing Shed has more people involved from outside the church family, and this mission has become a community endeavor. We are thankful that the Barnie Parker family continues to invigorate and lead during these adverse times. Barnie Parker was a well-known member of St. John’s and the community. The Catharine-Odessa Methodist Church and the Watkins Glen Presbyterian Church even has the shed as part of their mission, too.

 Another outreach program was the Women4Women Community Garden. The team uses raised beds to supply the community with fresh produce through the seasons. The Episcopal women work tirelessly to help children and women in need through various programs.