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Zion Episcopal Church

is a small, dedicated community of faith. Here at Zion we are eager to learn as evidenced by both an active Adult Education group, and Bible Study. While we are eager to learn we are also eager to serve. Members of Zion volunteer at the local food pantry and hospice. We have a free lunch program called Martha’s Kitchen every other week that feeds folks from our community. We are about to start a Repair Cafe, an international program that provides free repairs to clothing, wooden furniture and small appliances. We have had successful drives of clothing and household items for the refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine. Zion is active in the Interfaith Council in Avon, participating in the local walk against hunger and other community events. While we take study and service seriously we also know how to have fun. There is almost always joy and laughter in our building. Adding to the joy and laughter in our building is Circle Nursery School, a mission of Zion which has been a part of our community for 45 years.

Worship at Zion shows the joyful and friendly side of this congregation. Our music is a mix of traditional hymns and music of a more contemporary style. Exchanging the peace at Zion always takes a while as people greet friends old and new. Everyone truly is welcome at Zion. While being a smaller congregation is always a bit of a challenge, the people of Zion look to the future with hope as we continue to strive to share the Good News in Avon.